July 2020 Newsletter

We finally made it! Opening day!

A special welcome to the new owners:

  • Trevor H - Team Hooth (formerly Team !Ponche!)
  • Michael A - The Royal Rooters


The newsletter is bound to look a bit different this year. For starters, there will be no matchups to watch during our roto season. Power rankings also might be unnecessary as the roto standings kind of serve that purpose.

This month we have...

Survey Results

Shout out to Darren of Preston Perennials for creating some strength of schedule analysis. Shout out to COVID for ruining all of that.

Brandon K of Beanetown Cruz Line did some awesome stuff with Fangraphs projections (based on a full season), but I'm far too baseball-lazy right now to format that in some pretty way. Luckily, I think this link gives you all of the great work.

Final note:

If you have any desire to make silly posts like these or have any cool ideas, just let me know. Also, if you happen to have some coding skills, feel free to help me out or create whatever you want on this little website. The open source repo is here.

That's it for now! Thanks for checking this out! Take the discussion to the Slack!